Intestinal Worms in Dogs : Common Symptoms and What to Do

Worm infestation in dogs is distressing but a common problem. It’s concerning as these pesky worms can harm your bud in several ways and can be detrimental if left untreated. But don’t fret! In this informative post, we’ll cover the common symptoms and discuss what you can do if your dog has worms. You’ll also learn some effective tips to protect your furry friend from these worms.

Let’s get started!

How do Dogs Get Intestinal Worms?

Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms are the four most common types of intestinal worms. These worms can infect your dog in various. Here are some of the ways your dogs can get Intestinal worms:

From their mother

Intestinal worms can be transferred to young puppies through their mother’s milk. They can also infect infants as hookworms and roundworms can penetrate the uterus and be transmitted to unborn puppies. This makes parasite control in pregnant pets essential.

Feces and contaminated soil

Your dog can also get worms by ingesting feces or offals of other animals containing worm eggs or larvae. The worm eggs or larvae can survive for months and dogs can get infected if they come in contact with contaminated soil.


Dogs can get infected with worms while grooming themselves and ingesting fleas or eggs present in their fur. This is the most common way of tapeworm infestation in dogs.

Eating other infected animals

Your furry friend can also pick up worms by eating other infected smaller animals like rodents.

Common symptoms of Intestinal Worms

These are the common symptoms that indicate worm infection in dogs:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive coughing
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Sudden increase or decrease in appetite
  • Distended abdomen or Potbelly
  • Dull coat and/or hair loss

What to Do If Your Dog Has Worms

You can take the following actions if your dog shows any of the symptoms mentioned above.

Collect a sample of your dog’s stool

Before you take your pet to the vet, take a stool sample at home. You might be able to see worms or blood in the feces. Also, take a sample along when visiting the vet for further examination.

Deworming Treatment prescribed by the vet

After the vet has checked your dog’s condition and analyzed the feces sample, they will recommend a suitable treatment. Depending on your dog’s condition, the vet may prescribe effective dewormers capable of killing larval and adult worms.

Take a look at some of the popular dog worming treatments:

Popantel – It is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic for dogs that protects against roundworms, whipworms, hookworms and tapeworms including hydatid tapeworms.

Milbemax – This is an oral formula that protects against roundworms, hookworms and whipworms.

Triworm D – Formed in a table form, this wormer effectively eliminates roundwoms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms.

Endogard – It is a palatable flavored wormer for dogs that treats and controls hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and tapeworms.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Worm Infection

Here are some effective measures you can take to prevent worm infection in your canine companion.

  • Keep the environment clean and clean up waste as soon as possible
  • Maintain a regular grooming routine
  • Regularly visit your vet
  • Use antiparasitics approved by your vet.

Parting Words

Although intestinal worm infections are common, they are treatable. Plus, with the information shared in this blog, you can now handle the gastrointestinal worm problem better in your dog. Remember to follow the prevention tips routinely to safeguard your dog from these worms.