BudgetVetCare Blog

All You Need To Know About Dental Health in Pets

National Pet Dental Health Month

It’s very crucial to pay attention to your pet’s dental health. Any kind of bad breath from the pet’s mouth shouldn’t be ignored as it may potentially damage your pet’s teeth or gums. According to a survey, many pets have dental diseases by the time they turn 3. Thus, to spread awareness about the importance of oral hygiene, February is celebrated as National Pet Dental Month. So, below is everything you need to know about pet dental health and how to maintain oral hygiene in pets.

Dental Disease in Pets

The dental disease mainly affects the teeth and gums of the pet. It begins with the accumulation of food and bacteria and then it forms plaque around the gums. Moreover, if the plaque is not removed, it will turn into tartar over time. The reason why it’s dangerous to health is that tartar not only forms above the gumline but it also goes below the gumline. This gives rise to many dental health issues such as gingivitis and other periodontal diseases.

If these infections are not treated on time, they can further damage your pet’s teeth and could also lead to health issues. Below are the signs of dental disease in pets –

Upon noticing any of the above signs, immediately pay a visit to the dental vet so he can do a proper checkup on the pet’s teeth.

Reasons Why Pet Dental Health Care Is Important

Below are the reasons why as a pet parent, you need to pay extra care to your furry pal’s teeth.

Caring for the Pet’s Oral Health

Now that you know why dental care is so important, take a look at how you can take care of your pet’s oral health.

It is crucial to follow these steps if you want your furry companion to stay healthy and have shiny white teeth!

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